Thursday, September 29, 2011

bad news for my little dog!

Oh dear little dog! She with the filed down teeth and the case of whipworm, she has also tested positive for heartworm!

Long story short - Dogs that come from the Southern states should be tested 6 months after you get them, as heartworm can take a while to show up on tests. If you have a negative test and then get pet insurance, and test positive after, it's like the expensive (2000$) treatment will be covered. She's not showing symptoms but I am still sad for her. Poor lady. But, vet assures me she'll be OK, so I'm trying not to stress about it.

Running news! I hit 150 km (93 miles) for September! I wonder if I can get this up to 100 miles...I have 2 days. I think it's close to do-able. I'm in the lead for my "cumulative group distance challenge" by about 50 km, which is great.

Leisure news! I'm off to OKTOBERFEST this weekend! Not the world's second-largest in Kitchener-Waterloo, because I'm not an undergrad anymore and don't want to party with the 20 years old, but the Oktoberfest put on by a small brewery between Ottawa and Montreal! Husby says he will not enter the spouse-carrying contest with me.

I'm starting to look for some cool-weather running crops - does anyone have any reco's that aren't Lululemon and are cute, have at least a key pocket, and something reflective so I am moderately visible?

1 comment:

  1. Bummer about your pup and the worm situation! Our greyhound had some kind of intestinal worm when we adopted her. She came from Georgia but had raced in Florida. Luckily it cleared up pretty quickly - hope the same is true for your dog. I realize this is 2 weeks late, but nice job on a high mileage month! Hmmm my crops are lululemon, and 1 pair of Lucy. I have some Nike thermal tights for the winter that I like. No strong endorsement though... Brooks has a "nightlife" line, Saucony has "vizipro" -it's all supposed to be reflective/visible at night.
